Kaikōura’s Destination Management Plan 2022 – 2032


This Destination Management Plan (DMP) has been prepared by Destination Kaikōura, guided by the community, business, council, and an DMP Advisory Board. The aim of this DMP is to improve the long-term well-being of our region and its residents by placing our environment and our community at the heart of visitor sector planning. Our aspirations for the sector extend beyond creating mutual benefits for both locals and visitors to rebuilding the sector as a resilient, sustainable and vital part of the Kaikōura community. The plan has also been guided by the 2020 Destination Management guidelines published by the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment.


The Destination Management Plan identifies gaps and opportunities in areas that will have the greatest potential to drive economic growth, improve seasonality issues, maintain our social resilience and create new demand in the visitor market. It will ensure we are creating sustainable and vibrant places, for the benefit of locals and visitors.


Our Destination Management Plan is a living document that will be referred to often, it will be our point of reference as we navigate the plans and strategies outlined in this document. Weaving the values, goals and the vision in all that we do. A plan that helps shape a destination that is loved and treasured by all - our residents, our visitors, and for those who come after us.


Kaikōura DMP Vision


We strive to develop Kaikōura in an economically sustainable way and celebrate our coastal community, which is unique in its landscapes, seascapes, people, wildlife and history. A destination loved and treasured by all - our residents, our visitors, and for those who come after us.


Download or Read the Executive Summary:



Download or Read the full Destination Management Plan: